Monday, July 30, 2012

Stock Market Contest Game - How Do YOU Do?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Stock Market Contest Game
How Do YOU Do?

This is free to participate in - you are never required to pay to play.  Anyone can join (pass this on to your friends).  The stock market results will be updated on a "live" basis. (When the market is closed, the ups and downs will not be updated.)  The leaderboard may be viewed on my "How Do YOU Do?" posting on my blog:

Now you can manage your own "virtual" stock portfolio,  you're given an initial $1,000,000 of virtual investment money that you can buy, trade or sell with and you can see how you would've made out if you had invested with real money. Let your friends know about this and you can compare how you do against each other.  It's fun to see how much money you would have made if you really invested.  You can contact other investors that are out-performing you and ask how they're deciding what to invest in.   This is based on the actual daily S&P 500 and only supports major exchanges (NASDAQ, NYSE, etc.).  If your "virtual" portfolio that you create and upkeep beats the S&P 500 over a full month, you can win actual cash from, the online Stock Market Game.  It is free to join, there is no fee or cost.  (I've been playing this since April of 2009 and from my initial $1,000,000,  I'm now at $1,300,000+, I can now invest $300,000 more if I want.  (Might as well, why have money sitting around that isn't working and growing for you?)  If your earnings are at a negative amount, you may sell some of your stock to gain enough money to invest into a new stock of your choice, but without a positive gain showing, you can't invest more than what you already have.

This current  contest will run from July 30, 2012 through October 30, 2012.   The deadline for entering is August 20, 2012.  If you miss the August 20th cutoff date, you may still enter, but you won't be entered till the next contest, which will run from October 30, 2012 through January 30, 2013.

Remember this is just for fun, but it can be a learning experience for you!  Good fortune to you and don't forget to check your standings at least once a month.  Bookmark this page!

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Golden Words - To Thine Own Self, Be True

Monday, July 16,2012

Golden Words 

To Thine Own Self, Be True

Plain And Simple-Clear As Black And White.
No Gray Areas...

I came upon this on my wall on facebook..I changed it a bit, Listed the options in alphabetical order and in the post on my wall, the last two lines read:
"Don't like your rights taken away?
Then don't take away someone else's" 
 I thought that line was pretty presumptuous that the reader was advocating limiting your rights...but for a referendum to become law, there are those that must vote to push it through.  It all starts with a thought, an idea.

We've all heard that "golden rule":  "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.":  So how does one behave to another?   Bottom line. . .unconditional love and compassion.  If you wouldn't like someone else doing it to you, you don't do it to them, because, count on it, they don't like it done to them either.

As populations grew and civilizations expanded, mankind found a need to set it in writing to feel more secure that respectful common sense be practiced  by all.  These written rules became laws.  As more and more strangers wandered into set communities and different cultures intermingled, someone decided those rules needed more particular definition...just so there was no mistaking of intentions.  These "by-laws" became amended to the original simple set of rules.  Which of course will, in time, need more clarification, resulting in more laws being written.

With each new addendum, freedoms and individual trust for a fellow man's right to make a "proper" choice became less and less.

Laws were never intended to strip uniqueness and they are doing now...likely, all stemming from someone's fear that someone else might not "respect" as much as they did.  (Oxymoron?)

Where do we draw the line and say "enough!!!"   And how do we justify that it is enough?
"Following the Call to Come Home"
by Shirley*
This is a an inset of :
"Hue and Tone:The Light and The Sound" which is an inset of a larger drawing:
"Atom Auras II"

As soul awakens the human consciousness it is embodied with, physical body and soul (the ego and the id, yin and yang...) empower each other to near it's goal to return home, it is given the responsibility to set a law unto then, must always exist within this self-imposed code of conduct (law) and must never step outside of it.  It is a Law Unto Itself.

☆ ▓▒░░ ☆ ♥ To Thine Own Self, Be True ♥ ☆ ░░▒▓ ☆
(_¸.♥(_¸.♥´´ ¯¯¯¯¯ღ☆ღ¯¯¯¯¯ `´♥.¸_)♥.¸_)

Should soul step outside it's own law, it's own boundary it set, it will not find an open door in coming Home.  If it can't love, respect, and trust in itself, could it know without a doubt that another can?  It must have absolute, unwavering faith to be allowed to enter that doorway.

To be true to one's self is takes effort to be untrue.

INTERESTING TO NOTE:  The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
Baraka Bashad   (May the Blessings Be)    .,¸,.¸.*

*   The inset, "Following the Call to Come Home" will be included in a set of note cards I've been putting together.