Today's Feature ~ Shirley's Art Gallery Featuring Collage and Custom Original Art by Shirley
Yoville is a socially interactive game created by Zynga which was originally offered for play in MySpace by I started playing it after a friend introduced me to it on Facebook. This is a game that you receive your basic apartment and an avatar that you can compose from parts and dress up. You have to go to work to earn YoCoins to purchase items with. When I first started playing it, they really didn't have much to decorate with so I learned to create items I wanted by piecing together smaller items to create the bigger picture of what I wanted to project. YoVille has giftable (freebie) art pictures and art pictures that are purchasable (and I also use the mirrors-because they have interesting frames) so I take these and add items to them to make my custom collages...I also do this with Items to form sculptures. If you're a friend/neighbor in YoVille, you can click on the icon on the right side of the YoVille screen that shows a group of 3 people together so you can view your friends online and click to visit....well, below your friends that are online are your other neighbors, scroll down those till you get to me and click that you want to visit me... it will give you the option of which of my houses you want to'll want to visit the "ShirleysArtGallery" (YoVille's High School Building). This will take you to the landingbelow:
Outside Landing
After entering, you'll appear in the entrance lobby pictured above. This room features art collages I put together and wall murals...this left me with a lot of empty floor space so I decided to put together some collaged sculptures using different items available, including a reflective pool in the right corner built into the slate slab flooring. Usually the first thing I do when starting a room is instill your color theme into the flooring and walls. This presented a problem to me because, with this being originally a high school, it came with two-toned walls with which the bottom color is "what you see is what you get". This is the first house I've encountered that with in YoVille...usually if you change the color of wall, the whole wall will change color. I like to base my wall color on what large carpeting I have available (or what can be purchased) to fill in
the black areas outside of the main flooring area. So, I had this unchangable powder blue stripe that ran all the way around the room that I had work into my decorating color scheme. That blue stripe is why I decided to incorporate the rock slabs into the lobby's surrounding flooring since this will be the most traveled room, the rock slab made sense...Then I won that pink vending machine in an in-game contest. I really didn't have anyplace to put it but since someone else was having to go without it, so I decided I better find a use for it and decided to create a small refreshment area in my lobby. I wanted to put the refreshment area on the left top of the rock slabs, but our avatars can only travel on the main flooring so I decided to stick it on the closest corner on the slabs...then I could incorporate a convenient table and chairs right on the corner, so the items bought can be eaten and drank there. I decided to offer lounging in all rooms and installed comfortable chairs, in case someone just wants to take the load off their feet and view the art from afar or maybe just sit in enjoyable surroundings and wi-fi into the internet with their laptop or read a newspaper purchased from the newspaper stand outside. Leaving the lobby, the first display we'll be going to is Ground Zero... in DisplayRoom0.
DisplayRoom0 features collage art and one of my favorite collage sculptures-PinkGlowLightPegasus'.
this sculpture is comprised of a Nightclub Light Cube Pink (glowing cube table) and I had to construct two of the Pegasus sculptures with the collections widgets and snuggled the Pegasus' right into the light cube table.
Turned out pretty nice.I wanted to use those copper vases and I really like the lines on the space pillars and the way they glow and they just happened to have a copper (they call it orange) one so I thought
that would be good to use with the copper vases. Let's Move on to DisplayRoom 7 (because I didn't have a 1 or 3, at the time so I stuck a 7 above that door)
DisplayRoom7 This room features collage art and murals. I ran into a projector screen so I decided to use that and turn it into a display piece...I may add in another floor sculpture or two later, there's enough room to allow that. I had an unusable huge gold dragon that I just loved, but didn't really have anyplace I could put it, so I decided it would find a home in the unusable surrounding floor area. I loved how the Sandcastle worked out on the really makes a nice mural subject.
DisplayRoomA Above is another room of collage art and a couple of collage sculptures to show a lot of possibilities to create original arts for your Houses in YoVille..I think this room could use one more sculpture in the right corner of the room. Moving on to the next room.
This room features original art drawn, painted, or digitally created by me!! In YoVille, they do allow the opportunity to buy empty "brass" frames which players can upload their art or photos and display them in their homes in YoVille. DisplayRoomZ is reserved exclusively for me ... since I own the gallery. The sculptures are collages from the items available in YoVille. I'm hoping maybe someone would like to display some of their custom creations...I wouldn't mind
reserving the last room in this building for another artists work and having the featured artist change monthly or even once every 2 months if they have a lot of different work and would like to rotate it. Depending on the featured artists quantity of available art to display- it could be rotated weekly, every other week, or monthly. I've seen some very good artists works using the collage type methods in creating rooms, they could display screenshots of their rooms, I would accept that. Below is my last room that I would like to reserve for guest featured artists. Should I ever find one, I'll rearrange the room in RoomZ so the door to this room would be visible so the featured artist's friends could come in and view their friend's works. And of course, I would remove my items from the room.
This is the 6th and last room of my Art Gallery that I'm still working on (or 7th if you want to count the arrival/front of building as a room)...when I'm done, either filling it with my own or a guest featured artist, I'll put together a walk through slide show or maybe a walk through video touring my YoVille Art Gallery - Featuring Collage and Custom Art by Shirley.
I think I'll start sharing the different rooms I put together in YoVille...sometimes I even wish I had a real place like that! ha ha :) Click here to see some screenshots of some of my rooms in YoVille.
Below is a selection of art that is used in my original art display in the Gallery. You can click on the picture below and it will take you to my album in facebook that will display these pictures, right click on the picture you'd like to make a copy of to use for custom art for your house in YoVille. I only request that you please have the courtesy to leave a comment on this post that you are doing so...Thank you.
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Feedback! I love feedback! Ideas I can expand on? I'll consider it!