Saturday, March 14, 2009

Golden Words - Do Everything With Love

This drawing is from my sketchbook, it is printable if you'd like some free art. It would make a nice wall hanging gift for someone if put in a frame or on a piece of wood and decoupaged.

> > > > > > > o < < < < < < < < < <

1 comment :

  1. A few hours earlier, I decided to google "shirley_is" of the exact match sites showed "shirley_is" and then went on to refer to some "Sri Swami Vishwananda" (I'm skeptically thinking{another Maharishi?} and his travels and inspiring teachings,which I couldn't find anything I disagreed with!..."God" DOES work in mysterious ways! I highly recommend his site...I'd like to post an exerpt I read that I felt could only enhance this page:
    Looking at the World with Divine Eyes

    Here another excerpt of one of Sri Swami Vishwananda's Speeches: Looking at the world with Divine eyes, you will see that the world is simply the radiated light of God shining through everything. Keep trying until you have come to that realization and never loose hope. The moment you loose hope, you loose everything. The moment you say, “I can’t do this,” you will not be able to do it. Challenge your fear! Keep reminding yourself that you are part of God. You are in His Divine hands and He will never let go of you. Never! He always will be nearer to you than the breath or the air you are breathing in.

    You try to imagine how close God is with the mind. It’s difficult, isn’t it? The mind will never let you imagine God. When you start thinking with the mind of the heart, then you may realize Divinity completely. How does one think with the heart? Meditation is an important element in thinking with the heart as you sit with yourself in silence. Jesus said, “When you pray, go to the darkest corner of your house, close yourself in and talk with your Father.” Christ meant for you to go into the inner chamber of your heart and speak with God. Talk with your true Self, and you will receive an answer. So, what exactly is in this inner chamber of the heart? Therein is just love, nothing else!
    Eingestellt von Ekamati-Vishwananda um 13:46 0 Kommentare
    Labels: Divine Love-Swami Vishwananda, Love-Swami Vishwananda, Meditation-Swami Vishwananda, Mind-Swami Vishwananda, Praying-Swami Vishwananda, realization-Swami Vishwananda

    I know my blog will have much more mention of this focused spiritual avatar with whom I strangely found myself and my blog being referred with his.
    He managed to inspire me and cleared my hazed eyes of how dim my candle was burning, as if nearing the end of my wick. A slap in the face with some humility I obviously needed! LOL!
    Thank you Sri Viswananda! Blessings!


Feedback! I love feedback! Ideas I can expand on? I'll consider it!