Updated April 22, 2012 (images added)
Below are some Birthday cards I've created...At the bottom, you'll find more examples and a brief description for a suggestion that you may use if you'd like to create your own custom birthday card for someone special.
October 25, 2009 A Birthday Card for My Friend Bo Chambers
October 25th was my friend Bo Chambers' birthday, so I took a photo I took of some hummingbirds that were flying around in the front yard and cut and pasted, played with the saturation, tint, tone, and contrast (and some lettering of course) and came up with the finished card I wanted for her.
October 18th was my brother's birthday. He was born when I was 9 years old...9 years later, when I was 18, I moved out and kinda grew away from him...9 years later, when he was 18 and in college, we grew close again...then, 9 years later, he got divorced and I lost touch with him....here it is...9 years later, I found him on facebook!! We're both happy-having looked for each other and finally finding each other. Since it was his birthday, I decided to draw a special card for him. He plays the saxaphone beautifully...he plays for church mostly, but he says he has a cd with a band now-I'll let you know more about that when I learn more. So, naturally, I decided to paint his alto sax for a card...wow was that hard...a lot of valves and keys and detail.
To the left, beginning of that painting.
Now I had to add in something in the background, but I didn't want to distract from the main image..
Below, is the card when I finished with the sax.
I decided it needed some pizazz so I decided to see how it would look if I added more contrast and saturation...and I found the image I wanted.
-=o=- -=-o-=- -=o=-
Below are some more examples of birthday cards I've created. If you'd like to create your own custom birthday card for someone special, you're welcome to take a copy of my art if you see something you like, go into Paint (that's a program everyone has) and paste the art in there, then take your rectangle selector and take a portion that you think would look great for the background of your card you want to make...it can be a small portion or a larger portion....I've found that small portions make interesting card backgrounds.. After you paste it, take your bottom right corner dot and align your cursor on it then left click and pull your selection down and out to make the size card you can put your message on and print out if your recipient wants to. It's lots of fun to do and everybody loves receiving a one-of-a-kind card that you took your time to make...what better gift to give someone than your time? :)
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