.¸¸¸.** Creative Eckspression **.¸¸¸.
Katerina Ilieva's Custom Designer Jewelry

Today, I clicked on an ad for Goody Beads, since I've been feeling a stirring to get some more beading done...when I went to their page, they were promoting epoxy clay and some of the images I was looking at were just stunning pieces. One artisan's work, in particular just jumped out at me! Her jewelry pieces were so creative and innovative my first thought was..".I wonder if she'd let me post her art in my blog? I'll bet she's got a catalog ...hmmm...I suppose she really couldn't lose doing that, huh? An offer for more exposure and who knows...someone might just want to purchase something from her"....So, needless to say, I had to get in touch with her and see if she would mind if I featured her impressive creations and that I'd like to post her catalog if she had one available. Above is the image that caught my eye in the ad....and probably the deciding factor leading me to feature Katerina.Ilieva and her very unique creations using epoxy clay. I have made a few things using polymer clay, but until I saw that ad I hadn't heard of epoxy clay. A few years back a friend of mine had mentioned that she was experimenting with some stuff that was similar to polymer clay, but when you bake them they actually become sliver and/or gold...I wonder if this is what this epoxy clay is? Unfortunately, my friend who was dabbling with that metallic clay translated a few years back while I was living in Sultan....so I guess I'll just have to see what Katerina can tell us about this medium....We'll come back to Katrina's blog, but first I'm really excited to present Katerina's "catalog"..now if you're interested in something, jump on it!!!! Her pieces are one of a kind unique and they sell quick, as her pricing is very reasonable!!!

each of these images can be clicked on to go to her website to experience her full line of currently available treasures.
(some examples from Katerina's "STORE" catalog)
Oh, this is wonderful!! I clicked on her "follow Me on Blogger" button and was redirected to her blog. This blog is a gold mine of valuable information with workshops available. This blog features Certified Art Clay Silver Senior Instructor: Katerina Ilieva, Aleksandar Jovanovic Ksandra, and Jasminka Boskovic. Oh SCORE!!! YES!!! I've been wanting to know more about that clay that you can shape your own findings and bases on which to build jewelry on....and there it is!! Now, this particular blog addresses the techniques to correctly work the metallic and crystalline clays (which includes how to stir it !! WOW!) This is what you need to know to create (if you have the creative talent) something like the beautiful ring that won my heart, pictured above! Please, please, If you like the Jewelry and have the ways and means ...and desire, to purchase a piece, please help support wonderful artisans like Katerina who don't mind sharing their knowledge,tricks, tips and tools, willing to pass on the knowledge to keep their trade going! I'm thinking I may have to feature a few other pages of her blog so we can all become a bit more aware and maybe quench the thirst to learn some basics of her creative techniques! I'll will make it a point to feature Katerina so we may get to know more about her and her creations again!
Katerina was born and raised in Bitola, R. Macedonia and currently resides in Singapore...
"What drove me the most was a new technological wonder from Japan called: "Art Clay Silver" Link : www.artclay.co.jp/htm/
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Thank you very much,shirley_is.