baraka bashad - Sanskrit, translated means "may the blessings be"
eck - the powerful force which emanates and flows from the mouth of "God" to permeate the universe; the "sound of silence"; the living substance which has no form which sets forth vibration to go forth and create, even so, providing the beacon to guide soul home should one lose his way being trapped by the muck and mire of illusion
eckankar - the ancient way of life utilizing the discipline of soul travel as the means to reaquaint wisdom which has been forgotten due to distraction of illusion; the religion that is not a religion and science which is not a science; the way, the straight and narrow path
kamikaze - Sanskrit, translated means "divine wind"
pointilism - an art term specifying a media utilized in creating a work of art by placing dots in areas to create a picture when viewed as a whole, also referred to as stippling. Usually used with ink or paint.
Sanskrit - the first structured language of human, literally translated; san = without, skrit = writing
tuza - Sanskrit, translated means "soul"
wisdom - the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight
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