Sunday, August 23, 2009

Golden Words - The Gift of Today

The Gift of "Today"
About 29 years ago, I found a birthday card that I ended up purchasing for Greg, my boyfriend at that time. Greg has since translated, however, I have kept a vigilant search in hopes of finding the message that was on that card. A few months back, I ran across "The Gift of Today" on the internet. It's very similar to the message on the card, so I jotted it down, the author was given as "unknown". I edited it a little, cutting back on some repetitive sentences and tried to make it to the point and every word necessary. I added the last sentence, remembering the final line of that birthday card of long ago, but I left out the reference of it being a birthday* and another year being "God's gift", otherwise, it'd make a nice wall plaque or decoupage. Anyways, I wanted to share these golden words of wisdom with you. Maybe they'll help you get creative. Feel free to use the image above if you'd like.

*Suggestion - Should you happen to use this for a birthday card for someone, you may want to throw a reference to "another year was given to you" and something like " Happy Birthday (NAME HERE)!", on the line below "That is why it's called The Present". If you're going to use the image above to help you out with your birthday card, when you print it, you may want to reverse the colors ( if your printer will do that) if not, copy then take the image to a program that you can edit it in, thereby reversing the colors. It'll give you a white background with color reversal.

Oh yeah, if it's too much for you to edit and make the additions, feel free to left click on the picture above and send me an email, leave a comment of what you'd like revised and your email address, and I'd be glad to make the "birthday card" revisions for you and email it as an attachment to you for your use.

Baraka Bashad (May the Blessings Be)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Golden Words - No More Pesky Flies!!!

No More Pesky Flies!!!

(or Wasps!)


Will wonders ever cease? Another wonderful email with some golden words of wisdom. I have to pass this one on to you. Do you have a problem with flies? You know, the ones that buzz around you and have the nerve to land right on your face or your hand or swat at them and they buzz away and come right back to do the very same thing. Follow these inexpensive and simple'll be amazed at how scarce flies (and wasps also) will be.

Take a ziplock baggie (sandwich size...I used a snack size and it worked) fill it half full of water and drop 4 or 5 pennies into it. Zip it up and tack it up wherever you have a fly problem. ( Ours is hanging from the middle of our door entry ways. Since they've been flies. Unreal! It really works, try it!

Some Responses:

Ann Says:
October 5th, 2008 at 5:51 pm

I tried the ziplock bag and pennies this weekend. I have a horse traailer with full LQ. The flies were very bad this weekend while I was camping. I put the baggie with pennies above the door of the LQ. NOT ONE FLY came in the trailer. The horse trailer part had many...Not sure why it works but it does!!!!!!!

Maggie Says:
June 7th, 2009 at 11:40pm

I swear by the plastic bag of water trick I have them on the side porch (our house entry) and all around the basement door. We saw these in Northeast Mo. at an Amish grocery store & have used them since. They say it works because a fly sees a reflection & won't come around.

Danielle Martin Says:
September 20th, 2008 at 8:43 pm

Fill a ziplock bag with water and 5 or 6 pennies and hang it in the problem area. In my case it was a particular window in my home. It had a slight but significant passage way for insects. Ever since I have done that it has kept flies and wasps away. Some say that wasps and flies mistake the bag for some sort of other insect nest and are threatened by this.

There's lots of other testimonials, but I think you get the gist. I had to try works.