...VENT ON EVENT is a new a new category I've added to my blog...
Without fail, we all encounter injustices whether they be on a personal level or feeling so insignificant because some dirty laundry is hung out to be aired affecting a global level of attention....this category is for all of us to vent and bring a situation to light and or maybe you just want another opinion about something to get a fuller picture of the situation (after all, a 360 degree view is much broader than having blinders at the edge of your eyes)... allowing us to see a truer picture which enables understanding of different interjections, helping us to, thereby, not form false opinions... Please use the "Post a comment" at the bottom of the article...maybe you want to touch on another subject...well who knows?, maybe the next Vent On Event will be from your suggestion...state your opinion, ask a question, or ......maybe it triggered your thoughts to drift to a whole different tangent...express yourself, you may find you're not be the only one who relates to that...discover that
as unique as we are...we as people are actually very alike
Obama Succumbs to Political Blackmail?
Barrack Obama Becomes First President to Deny Dalai Lama Welcome to the White House
Last night I was watching LinkTV, "Beyond Fear", a documentary about the plight of Tibetan monks and nuns incarcerated in Tibet. My heart wrenched as I watched monks and nuns tell their story of how they were beaten and raped amd dehumanized during their incaration in prison in Tibet by the Chinese government. Then when refusing to denounce the Dalai Lama and Tibet, were sentenced to more years of prison time. They were given soup made of the prisoners' own human feces and their urine was their only source of hydration. I reflected back to my friend Pema's own flight from Tibet (See 50 Years of Resistance) and I decided I needed to renew the appeal for humanity and remind whoever I could of this repression.
I remembered recently hearing on the news that President Obama was being pressured by the Chinese government not to meet with the Dalai Lama. I wondered what had happened with that. So I searched "Obama Chinese government Dalai Lama" and got more than enough reference material to update me and pass on to any of my readers.
I find it very disheartening that President Obama has succumbed to the pressures of China and will not be talking to the Dalai Lama until after his visit to China. In my opinion, he has gone against the ilk of what is the United States of America and sold out on what is right. Where are your ethics, President Obama? How can you feel good about that decision??!!!???
Last Wednesday, February 3, 2010, Reuters released an article stating that Obama would still meet with the Dalai Lama. The article titled, " China hardens tone as White House confirms Dalai Lama meeting" Tuesday the White House confirmed that Obama would meet with the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, who has been tagged as a separatist by the Chinese government Wednesday,, China stated they "resolutely" opposed President Obama or any other government leaders meeting with the Dalai Lama and that meeting with him would further erode any progressive ties between China and the USA. Then on Saturday, February 6, 2010, Alex Spillius in Washington DC released an article titled "Obama cancels meeting with Dalai Lama 'To Keep China Happy'" Obama becomes the first president not to welcome the Dalai Lama to the White House. He did however agree to meet with him after his first visit to China. Obama has changed his position on Tibet since his election to office as president. In 2008 he supported the boycott of the U.S. Participation in the Beijing Olympics opening ceremonies in protest of China's bloody uprising in Tibet. Does the money gained with increased trade to China mean that much to you Obama? Shame, shame.
The Chinese view the U.S. as meddling in Chinese affairs, when in fact, it is but a humanitarian effort in support of those peoples who seek only to recognize their homeland of Tibet and refuse to denounce the Dalai Lama and in so doing have sustained barbaric tortures and incarceration. What was done to them is wrong, no matter how you look at it.
Further reading....